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Sejur Oasis

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Sejur in Saranda la Oasis - 7 nopti

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The hotel welcomes you at any time of the year! Hotel Oasis is located on the seafront, 500 meters from the center of Saranda only 100 meters from the beach.
The hotel has 23 rooms, all equipped with TV, air conditioning , mini bar, bathroom and shower facilities are varied. Reception 24 hours, Bar, Restaurant, Elevator, Heating, Currency Exchange, Room Service, Internet access, Laundry, Dry Cleaning, Fax / Photocopying, Luggage Storage, Breakfast in the Room, Ironing Service, Non-Smoking Rooms Prices are very reasonable.

Litoral Albania 2024

Servicii incluse
Transport cu avionul pe ruta Bucuresti (OTP) - Tirana (TIA), Tirana (TIA) - Bucuresti (OTP)
Zbor Dus: *20 kg checked-in bag*Free seat selectionexcluding row 1 to 4 and extra legroom seats*Free carry-on & Trolley bag on board40 × 30 × 20 cm & 55 × 40 × 23 cm*Priority Check-in & Boarding
Zbor Intors: *20 kg checked-in bag*Free seat selectionexcluding row 1 to 4 and extra legroom seats*Free carry-on & Trolley bag on board40 × 30 × 20 cm & 55 × 40 × 23 cm*Priority Check-in & Boarding
Taxe de aeroport
Transfer aeroport - hotel - aeroport
Cazare 7 nopti cu tipul de masa specificat
Asistenta turistica KT

Servicii neincluse
Asigurare de calatorie medicala si storno
Cheltuieli personale, bacsisuri, bauturi si servicii/facilitati neincluse in pretul pachetului (in functie de oferta fiecarui hotel)

Descriere / Alte informatii
OTP 12:55 - 13:25 TIA
TIA 14:00 - 16:25 OTP

Pret pe sejur de persoana in tip camera cu Mic dejun inclus si transport Avion cu plecare din Bucuresti (taxa de aeroport inclusa)

Pret/sejur/persoana/tip camera
Perioada Single Double Triple +RON  
29.Oct.2024 - 05.Nov.2024 - 709 EURO - - Rezervare
30.Oct.2024 - 06.Nov.2024 - 709 EURO - - Rezervare
Ofertă cu locuri limitate!
Pentru disponibilităţi şi preţuri detaliate, vă rugăm contactaţi agenţia.
Ofertă actualizată în data de: 11.03.2024
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